
Exhibits/Annual Calendar for the Quanta Culture & Education Foundation

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The Quanta Culture & Education Foundation has been a client of Babel since 1999. Among its other responsibilities, the Foundation holds regular exhibitions on a variety of educational topics for the benefit of school age children. Recent exhibitions that have been translated by Babel include: Forever a Child at Heart: An Exploration of the Life and Work of Max Liu; Bravo! Picasso! The 20th Century's Art Magician; and The Beauty and Love of Marc Chagall.

As a long-term client of Babel, Quanta has come to trust us to handle its projects with precision, creatively, and patience.  At Babel, we do not blindly translate content without regard to readership, but refine it to better meet its target audience, which, in the case of Quanta, are often school-age children. 

For other projects, such as the translation of poetry or Chinese prose, Quanta is confident that Babel has the people with the knowledge and skill to unpack the semi-classical Chinese found within such areas. Other translation companies sometimes use Taiwanese to translate these more “classical” sections and then give them to an English speaker to edit. However, a central tenet of Babel is that we only employ native speakers as our translators, and thus are able to offer an idiomatic and well-polished translation the first time around.


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