

Facing new challenges, we often tell ourselves that it is all too hard. Behind that, however, might simply be a laziness to try or experience something different.
就像有时,我(欧阳立中老师)带老师们桌游研习。基本上只有两种 人:一种是,一听规则就直嚷嚷着说好难!另一种是,尽管面露困惑,但还是努力想尝试。
When teaching students (themselves teachers) a new board game, I find they generally fall into two groups. Those who will exclaim “That’s so hard!” after hearing the rules. And those who, despite being confounded initially, give it their best shot.
Inevitably, those who exclaim at the difficultly of the game give up half-way and never look back. Those who are determined to try, however, eventually find success and the laughter that comes with it. And I believe that their experience as a teacher is a little bit richer for it.
Often what the world focuses on is not if you’ve excelled at a task, but if you’ve attempted it in the first place! Or did you, conversely, go to your grave never having tried?
When we encounter something new and difficult, we often look for excuses. These reactions hide the real reason, however, which is our laziness to try. In the future, don’t say something is “hard” and then give it up. Because in the end everything in life is hard, only gaining weight is easy!
Excerpt from Being Afraid of Mediocrity as the Footnote of Your Life printed in MANGER today


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