Translation & Copywriting for USTV
As a media outlet, USTV often partners with trade and government organizations to promote Taiwan's industry overseas through short video clips and other promotional materials.
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Season’s Greetings for AUO
Helping AUO celebrate the holiday season with its overseas customers is Babel. We chose several key messages to headline AUO’s holiday greetings—from the more traditional, to the fun/cute, and finally to focusing on AUO's ""Green Innovations"" theme.
Eslite Store & Eslite Gallery for The Eslite Spectrum Corporation
One of Babel’s biggest and most well known clients is the Eslite Cooperation. A household name in Taiwan, Eslite runs the largest and best-known bookstore chain in Taiwan.
"The Beauty of Monuments & Sites in Taiwan" Government Publication for Yang's Architects & Associates
Babel Communications has a long history of working with various Taiwanese government institutions. In this case, our client was Yang's Architects & Associates who were commissioned by Taiwan’s Council of Cultural Affairs—a government body charged with carrying out the protection and preservation of Taiwan’s heritage sites.
Mall Brochure for Taipei 101 Mall
When Taipei 101 was finished in 2004, it instantly became one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks. The tallest building in the world until 2010, Taipei 101 still serves as one of Asia’s financial and commercial hubs.
Exhibits/Annual Calendar for the Quanta Culture & Education Foundation
The Quanta Culture & Education Foundation has been a client of Babel since 1999. Among its other responsibilities, the Foundation holds regular exhibitions on a variety of educational topics for the benefit of school age children.
Copywriting for Mercedes Benz Taiwan, 2008
A series of printed ads helping Mercedes Benz to introduce its Smart Car line in Taiwan.
Translation for “An Eternal Spring: Aspects to a Culture of Longevity”, 2010
A comprehensive translation of the contextual and aesthetic descriptions of every piece attached to this national exhibition held in honor of the centennial anniversary of the ROC.
Translation & Copywriting for PQI’s Digital Product Line, 2013
PQI is an example of Babel’s ability to offer a full service translation/copywriting package. Expanding on its product line for 2013 and ahead, PQI turned to Babel for help in brainstorming product names, as well as the translation/copywriting of accompanying ad slogans, descriptions and features.
English News Translation for Da Ai TV News
The Tzu Chi Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian organization based in Taiwan. With over 10 million members and chapters in 47 countries, as well as special consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council, Tzu Chi is one of the biggest charitable organizations in the world, and the largest NGO in the Chinese-speaking world.
Copywriting for Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau Annual Calendar, 2013-2016
Every year the Tourism Bureau releases a calendar celebrating a particular facet of Taiwan’s beauty. For 2013, the theme was Taiwan’s fruits and for each of the 12 months, one seasonal fruit was chosen. Accompanying each of the 12 photos were 12 short captions, all written in a playful and thoroughly colloquial style.
Translation & Copywriting for Stony
As one of the leading brand consultants for Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry since 2002, Stony has been a consultant for artists, merchants, and government entities in the area of ceramics, glasswork, metalwork, lacquerware, bamboo crafts, aboriginal weaving, rush weaving, woodcarving, stone carving and other traditional arts and crafts.
- "I've received your edited document. The speed and quality in which you handled it exceeded all expectations. In the future, I will be sure to contact you for any editing needs I might have." —Mr. Lee, Graduate student
"已收到潤稿結果,結果令人驚異,之後絕對會考慮交由你們進行潤稿服務。" —研究所李同學 - “Your help was really appreciatd. The translation was spot on!” —Mr. Cui, Artist
“很謝謝你們的幫忙,翻得很好、用詞很適切!” —藝術家崔先生 - “Thanks for the detailed explanation; I really benefited a lot.” —Ivan Tsai, Graduate student
"感謝您們詳盡的說明,從指導中我受益良多!" —研究所Ivan Tsai同學 - "Thank you for editing my piece in such a short time. I appreciate all the hard work that went into it." —Mr. Mi, Graduate student "
感謝您們在如此急迫的時間內完成我的文章,非常感激您們的團隊全心為我的文章所作的努力。" —研究所米同學 - “Thank you for your patience and commitment to teaching.” —Brian Yu, Graduate student
"感謝您們團隊的用心和教學的堅持。" -研究所Brian Yu 同學 - “It's been nice working with you and I hope to continue our working relationship.” —Weitseng, Graduate student
"很開心能與 貴公司合作,希望能維繫我們之間合作的好默契。" -研究所Weitseng 同學 - “Allow me to share my thought about your Facebook page. Since I visited your TPS page three years ago, I've been spellbound by your rigorous analyses of academic issues. This time was no exception.” —Chingy Lin, Graduate Student
"我想表達對 貴公司Facebook專頁的感想。自3年前我造訪 貴公司的TPS網站起,便對您們在學術議題方面的精闢分析深深著迷,這回再次瀏覽您們刊登的內容,果然一樣讓我受益良多。" -研究所Chingy Lin同學 - “I want to say, I can't remember a single time when you and your team have been slow to send one of these translations back. You're always right on time. That's really impressive and inspires a lot of confidence. Really super helpful to just be able to rely on Babel to make these important translations happen like clockwork. Thank you.” —Jeff, Tasting Kitchen Magazine Writer
"我必須說在我的印象中每一次您的團隊都準時交付我們的翻譯作品,對於您們堅持準時交件的原則,實在令人印象深刻也讓人對合作充滿信心。我們能仰賴Babel準時交付重要的翻譯內容,順利地完成每次的合作,對我們著實有極大的幫助。" -Tasting Kitchen雜誌作家Jeff H. - “The Chinese titles on the cover were really well done—Babel’s translator really understood what the titles meant and didn't just do a literal translation. He or she did a great job of every single piece in this issue.” —Joey Cheang, Tasting Kitchen Magazine Editing Director
"中文翻譯所下的標題非常好,Babel團隊不僅懂得英文標題的意含,並且內化後下了適當的中文標題,而非僅逐字翻譯。在這一期的每篇作品中,Babel團隊表現的可圈可點。" -Tasting Kitchen雜誌主編Joey Cheang小姐 - “Just wanted to let you know that the translator was very good: clear in style, accurate, and neat.” —Ms. Wong, Tasting Kitchen Magazine Editor
"想藉此機會表達我們對 貴公司團隊的讚賞-道地的風格,精確簡潔的翻譯內容。" -Tasting Kitchen雜誌編輯 Wong小姐 - “I received the translation yesterday. After a careful reading, I was delighted in the level of professionalism and quality I found in the translation. Your team’s attention to detail and level of service was clear for all to see. Working with Babel has been a wonderful experience.” —Loranger.com.tw
"譯稿昨天下午已收到,也仔細閱讀確認過了,非常感謝譯者如此專業的翻譯水準,我們非常滿意。本次您的用心與專業服務態度,也令人印象深刻,與您合作也相當愉快呢!" -橘園國際藝術 - “Happy New Year! The yearbook translation you provided was excellent as usual. Thank you for all your help.” —Ms. Juang, Quanta Foundation
"新年快樂!! 年鑑翻譯的很好,感謝您的協助。" -廣達文教基金會莊小姐 - “We have the utmost confidence in the professionalism of Babel. Over this coming year, we will be sure to look to you and your team whenever we have a new project in hand. Thanks again!” —Quanta Foundation
"我們對於倍博的專業有絕對的信心,未來一年,有新的業務需求,屆時再請您提供專業的服務合作喔,非常感謝。" -廣達文教基金會 - “Your company has long been known for the quality of its translations, and thus you have been our company of choice over the past few years. Every time we read your translations, we are pleasantly surprised by the results and realize that your reputation in the field of translation has not been misplaced.” —Mr. Lo, Quanta Foundation
"貴公司的翻譯品質一直素有聲譽,所以多年來也一直勞煩你們。我們看完了你們的翻譯稿,只能說太棒了,無怪乎你們在業界的聲價了!! 在此一定要再次感謝你們令人讚賞的翻譯,謝謝你們的幫忙, 如果接下來有其他的需要, 當會再和你們聯絡。" -廣達文教基金會羅先生 - “Thank you again. It’s always pleasure working with Babel Communications.” —The Coffee Club Manager
"再次感謝您們的全力協助,能與您們合作是我們的榮幸。" -澳洲The Coffee Club - “It's rare to see such good English coming out of Taiwan. (I don't mean to be rude, but it's true. I'm always happy to see an organization doing a great job with English.)” —Terry, Freelancer
"在台灣能看到如此優秀的英文作品,相當罕見(並無冒犯之意,但這是事實,得知台灣的編譯公司英文翻譯的如此好,總能令我特別高興)。" -合作夥伴Terry - “It has been an honor and a joy to work with you over the past year.” —Ms. Chu, Freelancer
"過去這一年來,有機會認識並且與你們合作是我的榮幸,讓我感到相當開心!" -合作夥伴朱小姐 - “Thanks to everyone’s efforts, this case has been successfully completed. Babel, as usual, provided us with a top-notch translation. Thanks again for all your help." —eslite Corporation
"承蒙大家的幫忙,本件誠品與Babel翻譯的合作案,已經圓滿達成。Babel 翻譯得很好,非常感謝您的大力幫忙。" -誠品生活 - “The translation was exactly what we were looking for. Thank you for the care you put into it.” —eslite Corporation
"內容很貼近我們的意境,我們都很喜歡,謝謝您的用心。” -誠品生活 - "Our supervisor has been very pleased with your work. In the future, if we have any other similar cases, we will be sure to turn to you for help." —Ms. Lin, PQI Group
"我們的主管很喜歡你們的提案,後續只要是來得及的案子,會再繼續找你們協助。" -勁永國際林小姐 - “It is such a big help that you and your team are so good at what you do -- so careful and so dependable. Making this magazine would be impossible without great and timely translations like Babel's.” —Jeff, Tasting Kitchen Magazine Writer
"很感謝Babel的團隊提供專業的作品,用詞嚴謹適切且值得信賴。因為有了Babel準時且道地的翻譯內容,我們的雜誌才能每每如期的發行。" -Tasting Kitchen雜誌作家Jeff先生 - “Over the past few years our cooperative efforts have been wonderful to behold. Our two companies have built up a special relationship that we hope will continue.” —Ms. Chen, Tzu Chi Foundation
"多年來的確合作愉快, 也越來越有默契, 這都是好因緣。" -慈濟人文志業大愛電視台陳小姐 - "Babel's seminar on academic writing was extremely well received by our nurses and doctors. Their feedback was very positive. We look forward to further opportunities to have Babel down for another seminar." -Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital
"Babel的「學術英文寫作技巧」課程讓現場許多學員收穫滿滿,回饋很好,包括我自己都獲益良多,很期待未來能有機會再邀請老師來上進階課程。" -花蓮慈濟醫院 - "I just submitted my paper and am waiting for the peer review. I couldn't have got this done so smoothly without your help.Again, thank you for being so helpful. I've enjoyed your translations and really appreciated them!" --Music Department Professor, National Taiwan Normal University
"我已提交我的論文並等候同儕評審。沒有Babel的協助,無法進行的如此順利。再次感謝Babel的服務,我很喜歡你們的翻譯作品也感謝提供如此好的品質。" --台灣師範大學音樂系教授 - "The professors were extremely satisfied and said choosing Babel was an excellent choice. A big thanks to Babel for being there to help when we really needed someone. I feel very lucky knowing we can call on you. Thanks so much again." -Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretataion, National Taiwan Normal University(NTNU)
"老師們非常滿意喔^^,說找到很好的翻譯公司。:) 謝謝Babel團隊的體貼與詳盡的說明, 在這麼緊急的時間可以請到您們幫忙我也感到很幸運, 真是麻煩您們了,感激不盡。" -台灣師範大學翻譯研究所 - "This is amazing. I don't know how you did it! This is really amazing! I want to thank you so much for this!" --Sofi à Paris
"Babel的翻譯真是太厲害了,很難想像你們怎麼做得到,真的很佩服! 非常感謝你們。 --Sofi à Paris網站
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